Monday, May 24, 2010



Yes chat, online, we meet so many people online, and everybody with there unique identity and usernames. Well my job in the company is to be online, as I work for the IT company and so I am always there on all majoy IMs. Everyday I get atleast 4-5 request online to chat particularly on IM, but I prefer to talk with very very few, in case if i get tired, or just to keep my mind fresh , or just to do timepass. I will not deny that yes being online I have met good people.I will not say bad people, bcoz bad is our way how thinking about that person with whom you have initiate a  chat.

It is good thing , but tell you something honestly in that chat whom we meet , they start with so many probing question and they make so many predictions that for few seconds we feel what!!!!!!! they presume so many things about ourselves, that we forget that am I really like this person is telling, they presume as if they know from birth ins't.

And the general questions they ask hi , my name is this n yours, i work here n u,married or single... I mean name and occupation is fine .. but what is this married or single.. if i say unmarried , is he going to marry or going to search a groom for me. If i say married ... oh than they mostly stop the conversation there or at the most they ask how many children, what yr hubby do.. are stop it.. why cant there be some meaning full talk.

Mostly when the answer is single, they get so worried more than our parents trust me i have seen it, mostly people after talking for some time they just ask silly questions ... I mean give me break...Why the hell they have to know what I do for my needs, they make you feel they are available.. all bulshit...Please chat  there is nothing wrong but why the hell one has  to worry.... I understand needs are there, but every bodies needs  are different correct?

1 comments: said...

well like other arts chatting is an art.... i wish u meet with some gd artist wipe off ur preoccupations